Der Rücken schmerzt, die Finger knacken, die Augen tränen, der komische Geschmack im Mund geht gar nicht mehr weg.
Aber, “krank werden” ist auf nächste Woche verschoben.
Blöd nur das “mit Rauchen aufhören” auch meist mit Krankheits-ähnlichen Symptomen verbunden ist, das heißt next week the bomb’s gonna drop.
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fix it. the caller could easily calm…
down after seeing your business is there to help in their time of need.there’s no hope for some:however, at times you will still receive those callers who are not interested in any form of discussion. they’ll simply wish to abuse the…
what you want to say, but can…
you write your posts in a way that it is easy to understand and is well-researched at the same time?if not, your blog may struggle to get off the ground at all, and again you will lose enthusiasm when you see…
i’ve worked on look entirely different after…
i’m done with them! if a writer takes credit for the resulting article, that’s his or her prerogative — after all, it’s the writer’s name that appears on the article. just be aware that editing — heavy editing — happens.5. ask…
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