So, ich bin dann mal ne Woche weg. Da ich meinen Laptop vermutlich nicht mitnehmen werde (zuviel Streß und eh keine Zeit) wird hier sicher nix groß passieren. Fotos und so gibts dann später. Machts gut bis dahin.
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5 Kommentare
bring deinen pass mit (ich würd ihn zu gerne mal sehen)
junge, komm´ bald wieder…
; )
Sack! Komm in der Hauptstadt vorbei;-)
Have fun
Bring das Winegummi mit!
{ 2 } Trackbacks
with a dui attorney who has only…
a few cases who you know will have time to think of your needs and your case, providing you with the defense you need. the fees for your dui defense boil down to the time your lawyer is with your case….
contact method? and were there any issues…
encountered when i asked for an appointment? based on your answers to these questions you will know if hris is the right addition to your business. the human resource information system is a term used to describe the process of automating…
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