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22. Juli 2008

"That was fun"

Wunderschönes verlängertes Wochenende in Koblenz: das deutsche Eck und die Loreley gesehen, fiese Durch-Schlaf-Probleme gehabt, endlich den Sinn von alkoholfreiem Bier verstanden und einen sehr guten Livegig auf einem wunderbaren OpenAir gespielt, zusammen mit Roquette Science, einem Liveset das fünf Minuten vorher fertig war und einem zickigen MicroKorg.

Die großartigen Bilder sind von einem mir unbekannten Herrn namens “SDJungle” und ich arbeite hart dran die ganze Aktion demnächst auch in Leipzig zu veranstalten.






PS: Altmodische Luftschlangen sind ein recht guter Ersatz wenn man vergessen hat Leuchtstäbchen zu besorgen.

7 Kommentare

  1. tba | 23. Juli 2008 at 14:36 | Permalink

    und was ist nun der sinn von alkoholfreiem bier?

  2. Looza | 23. Juli 2008 at 14:56 | Permalink

    Das man Bier trinken kann und trotzdem nachts um zwei beim Gig immer noch stocknüchtern ist (wichtig, sonst Fehler).

  3. Josi | 16. Oktober 2008 at 11:51 | Permalink

    Ich stell grad fest: ich war seit Anfang des Sommers nich mehr hier und: Ich kenn Dich doch woher!

    Haha, Leipzig ist ein Dorf, Kollege… =D

    (also ich weiß ja nicht, ob DIR das schon aufgefallen ist, aber meine Gesichtserkennung ist im unteren Mittelmaß).

    Lieben Gruß mal wieder,

  4. Looza | 16. Oktober 2008 at 11:54 | Permalink

    Uhm… Josi… Nee, soweit bin ich auch nie gekommen. Sehr nett. :)

  5. Suskun | 2. Oktober 2014 at 18:52 | Permalink

    it felt too tense around me which was true. So a coplue days after that we met up because she wasn’t well and had a massive argument with her parents and was saying that she was going to move away and at that point I started to panic and feel helpless as if she was going to split up with me from what she was saying and telling me I let her down so I said were not getting along at the minute and ended up splitting up from her again! Which is another mistake thinking back to it now and I’ve tried talking to her and apologising but it didn’t work and now I feel I’ve driven her away for good because I went a little crazy again and self harmed myself in a attempt to get her back and wrote her letter saying I was going to kill myself and I ended up being picked up by the police and now she doesn’t want anything to do with me and wont even talk to me and the last thing she said in a text was I don’t want anything to do with you’. I sent her a long letter the other day explaining the break up and that I’m going to get sorted so we can be together again and admitting that I have been wrong but I don’t even know if she’s read it and now I feel terrible and wanting to kill myself all over again.All I want to do is talk to her so we can at least be a speaking terms and come to some sort of agreement so what I’m asking is, what can I do to get my ex back?!’ I really miss her and regret everything like I always have and I just want to hold her and make everything better because I love her so much but I feel like she doesn’t want me now because she I refusing to speak to me.I NEED YOUR HELP, FAST!!!!I appreciate the answers guys, and just to add I’m getting therapy for my problems and have just today got some anti depressants because I think I need them for now, It’s just hard because I know I need to give her some space but it’s only been a coplue days but it feels like months. I don’t know when to approach her again, like how long should I wait? Because I have been told by her mother that she doesn’t want to see me and to leave her alone because it’s over. Do you think she will ever talk to me again?I appreciate the help!Also I’m thinking if I leave it a week or two and learn to play take that back for good’ do you think that would help my chances?

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{ 1 } Trackback

  1. - Ein Leipzig Blog! | 24. Juli 2008 at 11:21 | Permalink

    Leipziger Blogschau vom 24. Juli 2008…

    Weg hier: Typisch Kreativarbeiter: Looza kombiniert die Arbeit mit dem Urlaub und hat auch dabei viel Spaß in Koblenz (Bilder). Sorg indessen ist ins New York des 31. Jahrhunderts gereist und hat dort ein paar Bilder gemacht.
    Fertig werden und weg: Ma…

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